Director General of Higher Education in Collaboration with University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) Holds a Dissemination of Scientific Journal Accreditation Guidelines 2022. Monday, 31 October 2022 13

Friday, December 09, 2022 03:21 WIB

In order to increase understanding regarding the accreditation of scientific journals Directorate of Research, Technology and Community Service Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology in collaboration with University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) through the Scientific Publication Development Institute (LPPI) held a Socialization of Scientific Journal Accreditation Guidelines at the Hotel Santika Malang Monday (31/10/2022). This activity was attended by representatives of journal managers from various universities in East Java.
In her remarks as Chief Executive as well as the Head of the LPPI, Dr. Fardini Sabilah, M.Pd said that the purpose of this socialization was to provide clear insight regarding the accreditation of scientific journals and to minimize rejection of journals that apply for accreditation or reaccreditation to Higher Education through the Arjuna portal.
Mr. Itsar Bolo Rangka, one of the speakers at this activity, conveyed how the journal can be accredited. The first, is that journal managers are required to have journals that are managed electronically. Both must meet the basic provisions of scientific journal accreditation. The third, is filling out the accreditation and evaluation form for Arjuna. Fourth, desk evaluation process. Fifth, carry out the assessment process by management assessors and substance assessors, in this assessment there are various components including scientific journal writing, publishing symbols, editing and journal management, article substance, writing style, appearance, periodicity, dissemination. The last, received the issuance of an accreditation decree, accreditation certificate, and inclusion to Sinta database. He also advised that "The process of developing a Scientific Journal must be carried out in earnest whether the journal is accredited or not, because in carrying out this process both expend a lot of energy".
Meanwhile, the main speaker, Mr. Kuswanto, who is a lecturer at Brawijaya University Malang, discussed material related to Article Substance Standards and Manuscript Content Consistency. Regarding the weight of the assessment, the value delivered is higher than management, while for management assessment it is carried out for managers and editing, for substance assessment it is carried out for writing style and substance content, for writing it is still directed to comply with the substance that appears in the guidelines and templates writing.
Meanwhile, in the opening part of the event, Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin, M.Sc, Vice Chancellor I of UMM, in his remarks said that in the future UMM was ready to become part of the Ministry of Education and Culture and could work together again in organizing other activities held by the Ministry of Education and Culture. He was determined that UMM would continue to be ready to update the existing journals and until they could accepted through Scopus

