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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Welcome to the official website of the Scientific Publication Development Institute, University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

In the current development trend of higher education, the quality of a tertiary institution can be assessed from the ranking of the tertiary institution both nationally and internationally. One of the main components of the ranking assessment is the ability of a tertiary institution's academic staff to produce quality research outputs, one of which is in the form of scientific articles published in accredited national and international journals of repute. The ranking of a university will automatically be raised if it is able to produce a large number of good quality scientific publications. BAN-PT and world-renowned ranking agencies such as QS and THE use around 30% of their assessment portion from scientific publications in reputable journals indexed by Scopus and Web of Science (ISI Thomson Reuters).

In addition to the ability to publish in reputable scientific journals abroad, a tertiary institution is also required to have the ability to manage quality Internal Periodicals (TBI). In the form of journals produced by Faculties, Study Programs and Study Centers. The measure of the success of managing a journal is when it is able to be indexed nationally (through the 6 levels of Sinta indexation) and/or indexed internationally by reputable indexing institutions such as Scopus and Web of Science.

Another thing that is also a measure of the quality of a tertiary institution is the high intensity of scientific studies, which is illustrated by the many quality scientific forums owned and attended by academic staff and students. These scientific forums can be in the form of Seminars, Symposiums, Colloquiums, and others, which are media for exchanging ideas and exposing the results of the latest scientific developments in allied and interdisciplinary fields of science. The forum can be held alone, by a consortium or by other institutions. The forum takes the form of regional, national and international scale meetings. The international forum can also be categorized into forums whose proceedings are indexed by a reputable indexer or not.

However, in its journey, the three things above had not become UMM's concern, especially in the ability to publish in reputable journals. These things then became the main reason why UMM was only ranked 26th nationally based on the Directorate of Higher Education's assessment in 2016. UMM Academic Staff were only able to produce a few scientific publications in accredited national and internationally reputable journals. This is certainly not comparable to the magnitude of the potential of the academic staff at UMM and the potential for research outcomes that can be generated from external and internal research grants obtained by academic staff.

When the three things above have become the consensus and commitment of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), the quantity and quality of scientific publications of the UMM academic staff will increase significantly, the quality of TBI will be better, and national and international scientific forums held by UMM will be more quality. By itself this will raise the potential of UMM to be on par with other best universities in this country. This will also strengthen UMM's brand as a national private university that has a good reputation and can compete internationally.

Welcome to join the Scientific Publication Development Institute, University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

The Head of the Institute for Scientific Publication Development,

Dr. Fardini Sabilah, M.Pd.


