UMM TBI Journal Discussion Towards Reputable International Indexed

Monday, January 30, 2023 04:12 WIB

On Monday, January 30 2023, the Institute for Scientific Publication Development (LPPI) of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang successfully held a discussion activity entitled Workshop on UMM TBI Journal Towards Reputable International Indexed. With Mr. Rezza Maulana, S.Sos, M.A as the resource person and as the chief editor of the Al-Jami'ah Journal from UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, the workshop was attended by the editor-in-chief of the TBI journal within the Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI) UMM, as well as FAI lecturers who wanted to apply to become a professor.

This workshop is intended to accommodate discussion activities between editors-in-chief of the UMM FAI journal as well as evaluation of the management and substance of journals within the scope of FAI UMM which is expected to help improve the quality of journals as well as provide solutions for the main editor in the process of submitting indexed international reputable journals. On the other hand, it is also an information bridge between the LPPI and the campus so that they can continue to facilitate potential journals.

The implementation of the workshop organized by the LPPI UMM was successfully opened by the Head of the LPPI, Dr. Fardini Sabilah, M.Pd., who was accompanied by the Secretary of the LPPI, Thomy Eko Saputro, Ph.D. Mr. Rezza started his presentation regarding the Al-Jami'ah Journal which he manages and has been indexed by Scopus since 2017. The event continued with a question and answer session and discussion by all participants with speakers, to an amicable session which was also attended by Vice Chancellor I, Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin, M.Sc.

With this workshop, we hope to be able to provide motivation, provision and knowledge for the editorial leaders of TBI journals within the UMM FAI environment so that they always continue to improve the quality of their journals both in terms of managerial and in terms of article substance so that they are truly ready to submit journals so that they are indexed internationally. Hopefully this good intention and effort can be as expected.
